Potential cartridge for a Kuzma rig

Hi Guys,

I'm presently using a Stabi S/Reference with an Eddie Current Phono Stage and a ZYX Bloom.

I really enjoy the cartridge, but would love to find a cart that brings me a little closer to the music (up to $1000).

Thanks guys, I always appreciate the fantastic advice I get here.

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I see, I got confused about your set-ups a little.In any case, it appears that Dyna work reasonably well with many arms and tables. It does OK (10X5) with my Spacedeck/Spacearm too but I am going to experiment with Goldring 1042 MM before possibly paying $1k+ for better MC.
I might give a Denon 103r a try..could give me the edge over the 103

my phono stage has the cinemag transformers, so seems logical..

Appreciate all of your suggestions