Possible move to tubes… help direct me

A recent speaker change has left me with too much amp. I’m very happy with my Pass x250 amp. The speaker change provides me with a good reason to see if I can downsize my amp and maintain or improve the quality of sound. I would like to consider tubes. I have tried to do my homework by reading through the pertinent discussion boards here (I just e-mailed Roy at GMA for advice) as well as talking to a few members on Agon whom I have built a relationship with. I know this is a dangerous post because of the infinite possibilities, but I'm hoping to find consensus on a few models.

My situation:
1. I don’t want to go backwards from my Pass in terms of sound quality
2. One of my options is to do nothing and keep the Pass
3. Budget $3k or less new or used
4. I need at least 70 watts in 8 ohms tube amplification
5. A good first step in tubes (no experience with biasing or tube rolling)
6. Power amp or integrated is fine
7. Nice accurate bottom end with smooth mids and highs
8. I’d like to stay semi-mainstream on manufacturers because north east Ohio is not a hotbed for 2 channel audio and I’ll have to travel to find dealers.
9. Room is a rectangular living room 14x22x8
10. Music is Keb ‘Mo to Alison Krauss


Showing 1 response by kkursula

Stehno, that is an unusual suggestion?! Btw, I myself would be hesitant to dump Pass amp for anything less than any Lamm amp.