Possessed HTPC

I have a very strange problem with my HTPC. I cannot get Windows to boot up in my living room. I move the computer to any other room and it works fine. I'm trying to hook the computer up to my LCD RPTV and it won't work. I get the startup screen for the motherboard but nothing for windows. I tried connecting it to nothing but a regular computer monitor and the same things happen. I even tried running an extension cord from the other room with no luck. I tried my other tower and same things happens. The moment I move the HTPC to another room it works fine. Has anyone ever seen anything even similar to this. I tried moving all the speakers out of the room to see if it was an issue with the magnets. No go. It just seems like computers do not like to work in my living room. Now my laptop works in the room no problem. I'm at a loss. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

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I used a regular CRT monitor in the other room. I've tried bring the CRT monitor into the possessed room and the computer acts the same. I cannot start up.