Positive experience with Ayre

I upgraded from my Ayre QB-9 to an Ayre Codex, which allows me to also stream music from my Oppo CDP through the DAC.  I had a somewhat loose Toslink connection on the Codex which I mentioned to Gary, Ayre's rep when I visited with him at Axpona.  He told me to send it back for an examination.  Ayre replaced the loose connector and put the unit on the bench for a day or so to make sure everything was functioning properly.  

All is well with the returned DAC with a secure fitting for my Toslink cable.  I am over the top happy with Ayre's customer service, as well as their outstanding products.  The Codex was a clear step up from my QB-9 with the advantage of additional connectivity.  And the Codex is nearly $1000 less costly than that of my original QB-9.  At its current price of $1800, if I recall correctly, it is a tremendous value in the world of high-end DAC's, easily a contender to the fine Schiit Yggy. 

Ayre is a first-class audio company and I really enjoy their Codex in my system.     


Showing 1 response by thyname

Wait until you get the QX-5 Twenty. If you like Codex, you will be blown away by the QX-5!

And Gary @ Ayre is a class act guy!