Positioning Vandersteens

This is a two-part question and since the parts are related I think one post is appropriate. First part is regarding a recent thread about speaker placement in dealer showrooms in which a couple of folks commented on the difficulties in properly placing Vandersteen speakers. This is interesting since I am in process of trying to get my 3A Signatures properly located in my somewhat small room. I’m having difficulties, primarily with a bass boom, and was hoping someone might be able to relay their experiences with siting Vandersteens. Comments on whether these speakers are appropriate for my room (see below) would also be appreciated. The second part of the question relates to the room itself, I recently measured the room with my Radio Shack SPL meter (using the Rives Audio test procedure and the Stereophile Test CD) and found, to my amazement, that the room was only flat from 400 Hz to 1000 Hz, the readings dropping off steadily such that at both 100 Hz and 10,000 Hz the readings were 20 dB down. This seems rather extreme to me, anyone else have similar findings? Specifics on the room, overall it is 17’ 3” by 14’ 8” with 7’ ceiling, however, it is reduced in size by a partial, full height wall through half the width making for a 13’ 4” by 14’ 8” space where the speakers are. To make matters worse there is some ductwork (boxed in and insulated) running along two walls. Because of the odd shape most or all of the acoustic software for siting speakers won’t work. Particulars of the system: Audio Research SP-9 MK II, Audio Research Classic 60, CAL Tercet MK IV, VPI HW-19 MK II, McIntosh MR-71, and PS Audio P-300. Some assistance in this process from those who’ve been there done that would be greatly appreciated!

Showing 1 response by bigtee

Follow the Vandersteen instructions to get a general placement. The speakers need to be out from your wall at least 3'( if not closer to 4'). Using the instructions, divide your room up and use the measurement that gets them out at least this distance. You know, the divide by 3, 5 ,7 thing. Do the same for the distance from the side wall. Once they are set in a general location, measure their distance apart and set your listening position back approximately a foot from this position eg. distance apart 7 feet, distance back to chair would be 8 feet). Then measure to the listening point(acoustical center) to the chair. This needs to be about 8'. Any closer and the speakers don't have enough distance to blend. The speakers will actually look closer than 8' feet if you go from the centers. Now, set your tilt back about 1/4" MORE than the manual shows. Sit down and see what you have. If it doesn't sound right at this point, I would try another wall and reset. It should sound focused and pretty decent. You SHOULD NOT be required to aim the speakers at your chair or listening point. They should image well facing straight ahead or with a slight inward angle (about 5 degrees) If they don't, again, try another wall. If they have to be aimed at you or behind your head, something is not right.
you will have to balance the distance from the wall for best bass vs. best imaging. Without subs , that is all you can do. There will be NO perfect place that will yield best bass with perfect imaging and soundstaging. No speaker will. And people can call me nuts on this issue if they want to! You can get good but NOT perfect bass vs mids and highs integration.
Moving out from the wall should alleviate your bass boom. You also must place the SPL meter at the listening position at the proper height or you will get a poor picture of the actual frequency response. Also, you do realize that the Radio Shack meter has a few errors in the actaul response that are frequency dependent. A couple of points about 4 db off. However, you should be able to get a pretty good picture.
It took me about 3 months to get my 3A Sigs and pair of 2WQ's set up. It was very trying but worthwhile. Little 1" movements make a difference. Using the above should get you close if you are on the correct wall. Good luck!