Positioning of component racks

I understand its ideal to place component racks on the side wall near listening position. However in my dedicated room 2channel/ HT ( 14.5ft x 24.5ft x 10.5ft) I have to put my components between the speaker. This is due to the fact that my CJ preamp do not have balanced connection and if I were to put my components on the long side wall, it means using a 15ft RCA interconnect which I think will compromise the sonic quality of my set up ( even though CJ told me it shouldnt be a problem. However I dont have the luxury of testing it out).
From my understanding, its preferable to put the components on single component stand between my speakers. However with 12 components on the floor , and plenty of cables, its does look messy in my Rives design dedicated room. Is considering buying 2 3 component racks so that it looks neater but its also mean putting
3-4ft racks between speakers which from my understanding will affect the imaging of the my set up. Ethan of Realtrap dont thk its a problem ( check out his site and the way he position his set up). Rives suggested that I put it on the side wall. Contradictory opinions. In fact, I seen many high end and expensive set up with high racks in between speaker. Surely that would compromise the sonic quality of the set up or am I wrong? Your opinions is much appreciated

Showing 1 response by stanwal

It is all compromise. Theoretically, you should have nothing between the speakers; but if you put them on side wall you will have to have longer cables, which you should also avoid. If you have mono amps putting them behind the speakers and using short speaker wires and long interconnects with the rest on side wall works well , I have done it. I now have my equipment between the speakers with the speakers a little farther out than the racks. I wouldn't worry whichever way you want to do it. My room is a lot like yours except even longer. I liked the Star Sound racks so well I became a dealer for them, one of their good points is that they do not have as much structure as many racks, more open.