Positioning and Listening distance

As run-off from another thread ( Legacy speakers ), we ended up talking about speaker positioning, listening distance and minimizing room interaction. While we are all aware of the various formulas for speaker placement and listening position, none of these take into account the size or design of the speaker. As such, i've found that speakers with a lot of drivers or drivers that are spaced out quite a bit typically require a greater listening distance than a physically small speaker or speaker that uses just a few drivers. On top of this, the greater listening distance also tends to highlight problems that may be present in the speaker / room interface. While we can theorize on why this might be so, i was wondering if anybody else has run into this situation and what their experience / results were. Any / All comments appreciated and welcome. Sean

Showing 2 responses by hiflyer

I can truly feel the difficulty in getting the right speaker for a small room. My listening room is 12X13 with 15 foot cathedral ceilings. I have treated the wall behind the speakers and the short wall behind where I sit. Before treatment this room had a tremendous slap echo that was unbearable. I sit about six feet from the speakers. I have not heard the Audio Physics line of speakers and wonder what other speakers perform well in a nearfiled set up like mine...

I was able to pick up some acoustic panels wrapped in fabric from a local company. They had just finished treating a auditorium and sold me the extras for dirt cheap! My neighbor and I treated both of our rooms for $200.00! I am amazed with how much more information and detail I know get out of this little room... Good luck in getting your room treated. I am still searching for the best nearfield speaker.. have heard Merlin and AP are great but no local dealer;(.