Portable Audiophile

This may be somewhere in the posts but I am not able to find.
What is the best portable, high end, headphone solution, even if it's carried in a back pack? CD based.

What about portable on a larger scale for weekend travel and set up in a hotel or motel?

Any ideas?


Probably an Ipod/Airport express or IHP-140 thru optical out with one of those Grace 901 headphone amp/dac combos and a pair of Sennheiser HD600s.
Been on the road for 6 years as a medical contractor living in different parts of the country and gone through several variations of portable systems (L-40, Classik). Settled on an Onkyo one piece Executive system for $250, C.Crane Reflect antenna, NHT SuperZeros (modified) with Chord speaker cable. For flying it's the iRiver IMP 400 with Beyer ST 250 or Koss Porta-Pros. No headphone amplifier yet. Hope this helps.