
Never could figure out the affiliation of Porsche to audio gear as there is so much reference to that particular automobile here in this forum. Now I know why, cause it's the "Real Deal!"


I'm gonna limit my focus here to 'Porsche and car audio'

My 2012 911 Turbo S Cab has the Bose stereo upgrade. I can't really comment on it though because I upgraded the car with Europipes exhaust and always run with the top down. The car sounds absolutely amazing! 

Another pro tip: The Porsche 'rabbit hole' is very wide and very deep; enter at your own expense :)
halcro, wow, thanks. Now that I see where you are I'll have to put that on a southern hemisphere bucket list. Kind of you to offer. 
When you ride a Porsche, best music is coming from the engine. You stop radio and enjoy flat6 sound, especially atmos ones ;-)
Just a reminder to all, despite the OP's car video which got this all started, Porsche / Audio are linked not by the auto business, but the side business of design. Porsche nuts here are probably more familiar with the story, but the Porsche Design folks who do everything from sunglasses to kitchen knives... also have a couple of audio products. 


Besides, the best Porsche ever is not even mentioned here: the 908. ;-)
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