Popular Male Singers in the past Half Century...

Hi, can you name 20 most popular/favorite male singers (vocalist, artist) from 1960s to now?

I'd like to collect some CDs for these singers. Would you recommend some albums (songs) for these artists as well?

Thank you.

Did you want the 'most' popular male singers (as measured by record sales) or just singers that are personal favorites (which is what you seem to be getting). I would also think that you would want efforts by solo artists, as opposed to groups. If you do a little research, you get the following 'best selling' artists. A few surprises, once you distill out the groups. BTW, this list would be more 'rock' oriented, if you included groups:

Bryan Adams
David Bowie
Garth Brooks
Phil Collins
Neil Diamond
Julio Iglesias
Michael Jackson
Billy Joel
Paul McCartney
George Michael
Luciano Pavarotti
Elvis Presley
Lionel Richie
Kenny Rogers
Frank Sinatra
Bruce Springsteen
Rod Stewart
Barry White
Stevie Wonder

One artist not yet mentioned is Ryan Adams. Start with his album titled "29." If you like it, and I'll bet you do, dig deeper into his work. Enjoy.
Thanks so much for the recommendation. I'll check them out and hopefully, get some CDs from Amazon.com soon.

BTW, where do you buy your CD/SACD, LPs? I want to buy them at fair price with guaranteed quality. So far I just bought from Amazon.com.