Poor internet, streaming not possible

First of all, I am about a generation behind.

Secondly, I suffer from terribly throttled down internet speeds in my location. Streaming is an option I can only sometimes use.

I was happy with my Audio Research Ref 150 and my Magnepan 1.6s etc until the entire system was stolen.

I have a decent CD (and vinyl) collection they didn’t take.

DAC this and DAC that has me a bit confused, as I see prices from $99 to $18k for. DAC.

I assume my best option is to buy a Blu Ray player and run that through a DAC to my vintage Marantz 2270?

Thoughts about what steps I should take and secondarily on recommendations on lower budget items, as the hifi is not all they took and we are slowly rebuilding.



Showing 3 responses by diffin

Three easy - no...it’s not the router... all state of the art with a major home remodel.
We just max out early. We are on the highest tier of their plans. We are looking at combining multiple ISP sources.
Cleeds and crn3371:
I meant a generation behind in hifi audio streaming, I’ve been digital since the beginnings. However, I was content to drop a CD and listen and just use my phone for casual listening.

Yes, my internet really does get THAT slow. My old provider (now gone out of business) broadcast throughout the SF Bay Area and I had a constant 25+ mps.
Now, on Viasat, I vary between 109mps (2am?) and .08 during prime time when everyone is streaming (probably made worse during this stay-at-home situation.) Yes, I cannot even play a few bedtime tunes for my kids unless they have been downloaded.

In the meantime, I’ve dug out an old Blu-ray player with rca outlets and plugged into my 2270.

Reubent - trying to keep it south of $500. Used is fine for me right now. (Saving for my Magnepan 1.7i’s)

I’m glad someone here understands.
From 11pm - 7am I can stream to my heart’s content. Not so good for family life.
we will probably add dsl from ATT to get a steady 3MPS.
The Schiit modi3 looks like a winner for me.

Thanks from a fellow 21st century country bumpkin’