Poor Customer Service

How does it make you feel when you try to contact a mfg about their product with tech questions and they ignore you? I understand many places are suffering from a lack of help due to plandemic but when you repeatedly leave messages over a course of weeks and get no reply it sticks in my craw. I've spent my hard earned dollars on their equipment and a simple answer to my question would go a long way to endearment. When you leave a voicemail and no one bothers it's not only frustrating it's disrespectful, so much so that I don't ever want to buy their products again even if they are of good quality.


Showing 1 response by tomrk

The thing is, even if you're swamped, and can't get good help,  it's trivial to auto-respond to say something like this:
"Thank you for your email, we are currently 1-3 days behind in email, we appreciate your patience and we'll get back to you at that time.  If this is an emergency, please contact the dealer where you purchased your magic_box"

And if you want to look really professional, for a handful of dollars (literally almost nothing), you can put in place a service where you take trouble tickets and then have technicians take a look at the tickets and get back to customers.
There's no excuse for bad service in the 21st century.   The tools are there to provide good service, they're cheap, and easy.