Poor BASS with Dynavector XX2 +Sunilda + AudioNote

I recently bought a complete analogue set: Dynavector XX2 + DPS table with Reha RB300 arm + Prephono MM/MC Sunila (from Audio Valve). All of that connected to my Audio Note.
Tje results is fine (open, smooth, clear, depth ..) but lack of bass!! No sure if it is the prephono (I will change the 12AX7 by some NOS) or if is a mismatch between the cartridge and the arm ..

Any suggestion ?? Many thanks

Showing 6 responses by stelma

I will continue playing aroud with cards ... but when I read the paper from Geoff, I do not understand why a single Business Card can make so much difference !!!!!

Thanks for your input .... Some answers:

1/ This is modded arm .. so a bit better
2/ Cartridge alignment is perfect ...
3/ VAT ?? I do not know as I cannot change it on my DPS.
4/ Loading .. Intersteing. My prephono has 2 input: MM and MC. This latest allow different positions 47R, 100, 300 , 1K ... The best is on 47R although the difference is quite small. Surpizing enough, if I move it onto the MM position, I get (indeed) 20 less db .. but the sound is very similar ....

My conclusion so far ?

AA/ I am happy to know that there are no mismatch between my DPS and the cartridge

BB/ VTA can be theissue ... I will see what I can do ..May be add some LP to change the angle ??? (but will not be able to put it lower ..)

CC/ the issue can be my prephono SUNILDA. I will try to replace the 12AX7 .... then change my Sunilda for another product (although I am quite surprize, this product being quite expensive and well reviewed .....


Thanks again
Thans for your comments Raul .. I feel so bad!!!

I can always add a VTA system on the arm. It exists and do not cost much ..... This will solve partially the problem.

I can also change the arm (the DPS is engineered to put other tonearms like the wilson B .... It will cost me additional 1500 $ but it will imprve).

But what makes me feeling bad is the subsonic filter on the Sunilda. If Bass starts ay 80 hz, I'm dead ...

My system is very well balanced with my AudioNote CDplayer + Dac + Preamp + Amplifier.... So I reamize my biggest problem is the prephono.

What can I do to tweak the subsonic filter (I do not know what it means ...)? If I put some NOS, will it change ??

Thanks again ...

Sorry, I do not know how far is the tonearm tube from parallel to record ... I have not chechek.

What I will do is the following:

1/ To check my prephono Sunilda with my friend's turntable (which is well adjusted as he own very good arm). If I have strong basses, it will mean my Sunilda is OK. Otherwise, I will contact AudioValve and s what i can do.

2/ If Sunilda is OK (this is what I would prefer), I will purchase a VAT adjustment system (available for Reaga arms ..) and I will change it.

My feeling is that this is a VAT issue, as the rest of the sound is really nice ....

Curious? I am fom France .. in Grenoble.

Regards to all
Ouah ... I'm impressed !

Many thanks for your valuable input. I will check that this week end (I am on business trip this week) and will let you know early next week if this has changed my life ....

BTW I do not have any doc on the DPS ... Is some one has an electronic copy he can send it to my email on stelma@sfr.fr

Many thanks again ...!!

Last week end, I have checked ... and hourra I founded the hole to tweak my VTA .. And the results was GREAT!! more basses and the sound still warm and charming !!!

I also tried with a prepre Acuphase C7 ... and it was even better !!! It means more basses, more volume .......

I will continue my investigations ... and update you later on !!!

MANY THANKS to all of you for your recoomendations.