Polling MagnePan Users - Using a SubWoofer?

Got my 20.7's last year; awesome speakers and almost near perfect in every way...do wish that they had that last little bit of 'thump' in the midbass and bass...

Has anyone tried the big Paradigm sub-woofers, either the Sub 1 or Sub 2 with their 20's or 3.7's? Wondering how successful that pairing turned out to be?

Showing 1 response by fingerpaws

I changed from an older Paradigm servo 15 to a pair of SVS SB-13 Ultras for my Maggie 1.7s. I crossed them over at 40 HZ, per SVS's recommendation. At first I ran them mono, also a factory recommendation. However, when I changed them to stereo, everything sounded much more natural and the image improved. I use an Antimode on each sub, and I would encourage everyone to try one. I run the Maggies with Parasound Halo amps, and all that power makes for an effortless sound. Those Halos made my previous amp, a Cambridge Audio, sound stuffy and basically unlistenable. Even my wife agreed! I got a bit off topic, but as mentioned above, the amp can make a big difference on the sound of the speaker.