Politics and Music

The Trumpets of Jericho

Beethoven and Napoleon 

Wagner and the Nazis

"Ohio" and the Vietnam War

"Imagine" and consumerism 

The Dixie Chicks 

Countless examples illustrate the intersection of Music and Politics. Jerry Garcia referenced his group as "just a dance band." Always pondered how we react to our choices of music. Divorce it entirely from the controversies of the day and merely enjoy the artistry or allow it to change the way in which we view the world. Transformative, escapism, nostalgia, intellectual profundity, cultural discovery. Large questions. Your thoughts?


Great posts thanks unreceivedogma’s avatar



Gorecki symphony is a miracle.... Like some few musical pieces in history....

For Rzewski Alas! the composer own interpretation is impossible to beat... Did you listened to it?

I did not own it now and look for it....

This is a late 20th century masterpiece.
Lyrics, by a leader of the Attica uprising. He was killed.

"I think the combination of age and a greater coming together is responsible for the speed of the passing time. It’s six months now, and I can tell you truthfully few periods in my life have passed so quickly. I am in excellent physical and emotional health. There are doubtless subtle surprises ahead, but I feel secure and ready. As lovers will contrast their emotions in times of crisis, so am I dealing with my environment. In the indifferent brutality, the incessant noise, the experimental chemistry of food, the ravings of lost hysterical men, I can act with clarity and meaning. I am deliberate, sometimes even calculating, seldom employing histrionics except as a test of the reactions of others. I read much, exercise, talk to guards and inmates, feeling for the inevitable direction of my life."


I have the performance on an HMV 78 in near mint condition. Hard to find on YouTube in similar shape. I guess I’m lucky: I’ll have to put it online myself.
This is it for today. 



i have all of his work on LP. I have the Oppens performance of People United, but the performance I shared here by a student at SUNY Stonybrook is remarkable. 

The performance of Cottonmill Blues shared here is also insanely good. 

Of course, Rzewski’s performances are not to be missed. Most can be found on YouTube these days. 

I lied. One more, by the great Laura Nyro. I love the way she curls up her hands into fists and pounds the keyboard at 0:23


I think that it is fair to say that all of the artists that I have taken the liberty of posting here are great artists performing at peak form, that all of the work is moving, and that all of it, by intention and design, is implicitly to overtly political (closer to overtly), and that the political views are expressed with intelligence, subtlety, grace, humor, and depth of feeling.


I met both Oppens and Rzewski when I was attending The Cooper Union. Dore Ashton, the highly regarded art history scholar, Dean of the art school, a card-carrying communist and the most important influence on my intellectual development, didn’t need any excuses to veer off topic and bring people like them in to speak to her classes. 

I was very blessed. 


You are not a sheep...

Thanks for your interesting postings...

My deepest respect...

Post removed 



check out the link to the oral argument in my case that was decided by SCOTUS, Scalia opinion in my favor (yes, dialectical materialists and Originalists  can see eye to eye). Have a good weekend.

I don't agree this discussion has to be binary. The silent minority of the 60's did support the outcome of Watergate. They could support the war and relinquish their support of Nixon. Musical artists, while not comparable to the giants of literature and philosophy, can point the way to ideological change. And who was ultimately right regarding the war? Countless suffering and death.  Lies upon lies. But we fail to learn. Music educates us in the experience of joy, dance, the suffering of others, and yes, even political expression. 

 My mind of mush at 16 was still a mind that I often regret leaving on the sidewalk of mortgages and fruitless careers. Somehow age delivered humility to my doorstep while too many others received all the answers in a box of cynicism. 

Who among us of a certain age can forget this chestnut. With a few changes, it could have been written yesterday  


@unreceivedogma  Thanks for the Laura Nyro vid. I might have mentioned this sometime before on this site, but Laura Nyro remains one of my favorite artists.I have all her records (at least I think I do). I saw her live several times, including a couple times at the Troubadour in Hollywood. I have at least one of her songbooks and I got pretty good at copying her style at the piano.