Point of higher priced streamer?

Assuming I have separate DAC, and I just want to play songs from iPad by Airplay feature.
In this case, I need a streamer to receive music from my iPad -> DAC.

What’s the point of high price streamer? I’m bit surprised that some streamers are very high priced.
From my understanding, there should be no sound quality difference.
(Streaming reliability and build quality, I can see it but I do not see advantages in terms of sound quality.)

Am I missing something? If so, please share some wisdom.
You mean like when someone makes a statement like this arafiq, using fancy sounding terms like "computational theory" which is totally meaningless within the framework of delivering a bit perfect data stream? .

It sounds impressive if you want to reinforce a bias.

I'd suggest delving a bit more into computational theory and architecture before making this claim. I.E., "the network is the computer" and processes within the computer are analogous to/similar to the OSI layer system used to deploy WANs/LANs.

Of course when you then start going on about transcoding which is a cmpletely different discussion from bit perfect delivery ..... We already recognize more likely and mundane issues such as O/S transcoding for data rates which need to be addressed with the right software choices to ensure bit perfect delivery of the uncompressed audio data file to the DAC, which for all the flowery words presented is still child's play.


Thank you for your streamer journey.  Many of us do not have the ability to compare audio products in the real world because of a lack of available local sources.  Hearing from someone such as yourself, and not a professional reviewer, carries more weight with me.  I enjoyed reading your response.

This has been enlightening. I am software guy but new to audio. Have learnt a lot on this thread and special thanks to @nquery for great explanation and which makes complete sense to me. 
The point of a high end streamer is simple: Power supply, parts quality and build quality. This simple formula can be applied to all things in audio. In general, these 3 simple things equal improved sound quality. How much of an improvement is relative. The only way to tell is to purchase a few units under the retailers exchange policy and audition them and judge for yourself. Of course the retailer will not like you if you create open box merchandise but active listening in your environment is the only way to tell. Since you are streaming from an iPad, any airplay device will work fine. The most cost effective is a used last generation airport express using a special optical cable with a 3.5mm connection on 1 end. This output is supposed to be bit perfect to 44.1 and it supports gapless playback. With the optical connection the sound will be good. If memory serves me, Stereophile had the APE in its list of recommended components. The drawback with airplay and the APE express is that you are limited to 44.1 . If you want to do Hi Rez streaming then you would need to look into a better streamer. I used the APE for years on 2 systems with excellent and reliable results: I did upgrade both units with Marantz & Pioneer Elite streamers & there was improved performance with Airplay and they both support Hi rez. If you can hardwire to avoid wi-fi, you will get even better sound.
A very wise man named John Darko is fond of saying, “If you haven’t heard it, you really don’t know.” If you accept that truism, you can discount about half of what you read on audio forums. Listening to people rant about things they’ve never actually experienced themselves really is the definition of a fool’s errand.

Now, if you buy the idea that ONLY people who have actually heard the audio equipment in question can possibly know what they’re talking about, then you’re faced with the following questions: Are these people are telling the truth about what they have experienced? Or are they merely trying to sell you something? It’s pretty hard to answer those questions definitively.

So,  if you can’t bring yourself to trust any humans, regardless of track record, you might think you can trust “scientific fact.” IF you think that scientific data, by itself, will help you definitively answer the question “What does this equipment sound like?” Then you will be forever disappointed and unhappy. Find another hobby.

The ultimate solution is to put your big boy (or girl) pants on, quit trying to cheat the scientific method, and pay the nominal shipping fees for an in-home audition so that you can hear the product in question with your own ears.

If it makes you smile and want to kiss strangers, the product bloody well works! If you can’t tell whether it works, return the product and consider it a lesson learned. And if you can’t even trust your own ears, audio will drive you and those around you crazy. Do everyone a favor and, for the love of God, find another hobby!

In conclusion, listening to music produced by great audio equipment should make you wildly happy. If it does that, whatever gear you’re using IS FANTASTIC. If your music playback doesn’t regularly thrill you, the whole endeavor is pointless....no matter what anyone says and no matter what the measurements reveal.

The joy of music is all that matters and anyone who claims to know what that’s worth for anyone else, isn’t having nearly enough fun.

But, hey, that’s just, like, my opinion, man!