Point of higher priced streamer?

Assuming I have separate DAC, and I just want to play songs from iPad by Airplay feature.
In this case, I need a streamer to receive music from my iPad -> DAC.

What’s the point of high price streamer? I’m bit surprised that some streamers are very high priced.
From my understanding, there should be no sound quality difference.
(Streaming reliability and build quality, I can see it but I do not see advantages in terms of sound quality.)

Am I missing something? If so, please share some wisdom.

Showing 1 response by azbrd

I have a node 2(not the i), it does have a internal dac that works but connecting the node2 to a schiit YGGDRASIL sounds much better, why because the DAC design is better.  In this system the node2 is connected via wire, not through wifi, same IP packets comming from the source, just processed via a different DAC so network connection & delivery has nothing to do with sound difference.

I will also add that I have compaired the node2/YGGDRASIL on my main system that has a Linn Kimax DSM and that sounds significantley better than the YGGDRASIL, why, because the DAC design is better.   DAC design does make a differernce in how a system sounds, of course this assumes that the system is capable of benefiting from the higher quality source.