Anyone with experience of these two brands?
The models i am interested in are as follows,
PMC MB-2/IB-2 "vs." ATC SCM 50/100/150
(also the active versions)
Compaired head to head, the same electronics (if not active), room aso..
I know the PMC is a transmission line speaker but what about ATC?

Hi Marco,

Congratulations, you just revived a 2 years old thread!

May I know which model of the PMC mini-monitors that you find the bass thumpy and the treble etched? You may have the impression that the bass is over-emphasized because PMC's which are TL designs produce bass that belies their dimensions. Only if you drive those minimonitors above their limits then you'll find the bass thumpy akin to a 'thud-thud' kind of sound as practically they can't do prodigious bass with those small drivers. You have bigger floorstanders for reaching those very low octaves. Having said that, I am very impressed with my LB1 Sigs which sounded very much in control under high SPL's considering their diminutive size and I dare say the bass goes deeper than some moderate sized floorstanders.

I am not familiar with ATC so I can't comment but I know they are quality speakers as well.

Hope we don't bring back Brizonbiovizier and Cinematics into the game. Looks like they really know their stuff!
This thread is quite fascinating.

I discovered ATCs when looking for a well built, near field monitor with good MIDrange to use and to recommend for a PC based desktop application, as described in my latest virtual system thread.

Having demo'ed a pair of their active monitors, I am using passive SCM 7's, last year's model circa 2006.

I am still getting to know these speakers, but so far I have been very impressed and I like them very much. I have not found them fatiguing, in fact I have found them to have a warmer more laid back UK style than many other monitors I have auditioned recently.

So the idea that they would be criticized for being too "hot" - wow that would be very audacious, Clintonesque marketiung by ATC if Brionbiovizier is correct?!?!

As for their active monitors, I cant comment intelligently. But I will say that both my brief experience with the active ATC's and a pair of active Genelec 1029s which I have kicking around the house have a punchy, bright and "in your face" pro audio quality to them that I never liked.

The passive ATC SCM7s however, have just been a great little speaker.

I hope I am not just drinking their kool aid, but if anyone knows of better near field monitors with great midrange, and smooth, non fatiguing treble, please do let me know.
Hi Ryder,

LOL. I didn't realise the thread was so old. It was late when I was looking through the threads on the site and the PMC/ATC discussion was of interest to me as a result of some of the listening I've done in the past with pro-monitors.

I've heard the likes of OB1s, but I was mainly referring to the IB1s, which I compared to ATC100s about a year ago. They were on the end of a meaty Bryston pre and power amp combo (which was very nice!) against active ATC 100s - this was at a dealer’s shop. I can't remember what CD player was used. I much preferred the ATC 100s, as their sonic signature was more to my taste, and they made music sound more realistic and less 'processed' sounding.

I know the PMCs are TL designs, so I was prepared for that, but the bass in my opinion was still overblown and 'thumpy' compared to what I heard from the ATCs. I know good bass when I hear it, as I run a pair of Spendor SP100s (with 12" bass units) on the end of ECS 200W monoblocks, which are a true BBC monitor design, and the bass from both my Spendors and the ATCs to my ears was more natural and realistic. I also found the top end of the PMCs somewhat 'brightly lit'. However, on material that didn't show up the looseness in the bass, the IB1s bass was quite incredible in terms of power and extension. However, unfortunately, due to the problems I perceived they would limit the enjoyment of my music collection.

If Brizon and Cinematics want to re-join the discussion bring them on!

It sounds to me like the positioning was wrong. They need to be a long way from walls. As for the etching - people most often accuse this of the atc mid rather than the pmc. Still its all according to taste ;). The ib2 / mb2 also have the hand made mid which is quite a bit better than the vifa mid in the ib1.

I welcome your devil's advocacy on ATC SCM7's.

Any idea where I can find better midrange and non fatiguing highs with a similar sized monitor to use in a nearfield application?

Thank you