PMC versus Wilson Audio

Looking to upgrade to either PMC MB2  SE's or Wilson Audio Sasha 2's or Alexia 2's. I listen to mostly Jazz, Easy listening, Blues. Not much Classical in dedicated listening room. Room has been heavily treated with absorption and reflection. Room is 12' x 16'. Source is digital, no turntable. High current monoblock amps. 

Any insight would be greatly appreciated and would appreciate keeping the discussion on PMC versus Wilson Audio only. Thanks!
Your Evolutions One's are still a fully Class A amplifier and I think they would be fine with Wilsons.
If you want to try to pull out every little single detail and realism of the sound and music, then I think the Wilsons are better.  I think the PMC -might- be a little more engaging, but not quite as "real" sounding as the Wilson.  It becomes difficult here as it can be subjective and dependent on personal preference.  Anyway, those are my thoughts.