PMC IB1 Vs. Harbeth M40

I'd appreciate your thoughts on how these two speakers compare with each other sonically. I know the PMC speaker is much more expensive than the Harbeth speaker, but both are large monitors and their companies' flagship speakers and both are used in professional settings. Thanks

Showing 1 response by tedr227

I have owned Harbeth M30s and M40s in the past year, I kept the M40s, I use them for home listening, they are superb. I haven't heard the PMC model. I don't believe M40s should be put in the same category as the PMC IB1 model. The PMC is designed to go lower in frequency, to generate more SPLs, especially at low frequency. The Harbeth strength is neutral accuracy, faithfullness to the original sound, they were developed for the BBC as broadcast reference monitors. They aren't intended to be thrashed with heavy compressed material like pop/rock or movie soundtrack. I'm getting terrific results with an 80 Watt per channel solid state amp.
Ted in New York