PMC Fact 3 with hegel h160 or accuphase 350

i use pmc fact 3 with hegel h160
the result is quite good, but sometimes the sound is too precise and little emotional.
I would like change it with a accuphase 350 
is it a good couple with my pmc fact 3?


Showing 4 responses by paoz

I accuphase because I found one at a good price
and i think is more sweet and warm compared to Hegel
i never tried it before in my system
for this im asking here if someone know difference from two
and if 100watt is enought for pmc fact 3
i dont speak english very well
I'm trying to understand what you mean
do you think the sound I have now
It is more correct with less coloration and less distortion?
I often read that  the pmc need a lot of power for to play well
100watt could be enought???