PMC EB1 alternatives - speaker recommendation for a large room

Good morning!

Recently, I got excited by PMC speakers and I think I’m ready to look for an upgrade. Facts 12 signature are out of my price range and also probably hard to drive. So I looked into older models. EB1’s got my attention right a way. Nevertheless, I haven’t heard them, they’ were discontinued therefore very hard to find. I have also read in other thread that IB1 is a better choice for its midrange driver but they’re still quite expensive too.


I’m looking for speakers with solid bass, capable of an appropriate punch that could easily fill our large listening/living room. It’s 19,5 x 23 feet with 10 ft ceilings. It’s already pretty well acoustically treated except for a diffuser on the front wall (behind speakers).

I’d also like something natural sounding, emotional. They should have the ability to disappear and they should image well. I’m looking a large soundstage that would possibly go beyond the walls with the right recordings (that diffuser on the front wall will be needed for depth for sure). Also, I often invite friends for listening evenings so it shouldn’t be something too sweet spot focused. I’m lucky I can pull the speakers far from the wall so no issue in that area.

I think PMC EB1’s would do the job but I’d also consider alternatives. These speakers are 15 years old so there must be a lot to choose from other brands as well. The price range should be up to $5000-$5500 used.

My power amp is Audio Research REF150 and I’d like to keep it. Current speakers are Tannoys D700’s with several upgrades. I still lack the emotional connection most of the time, details in the mids and even though they image quite well, they rarely dissapear completely. They’re simply vintage speakers and I was already thinking of an upgrade when I bought the ARC power amp.

I’d note that I live in Europe and some US made speakers may be rare here.

Thank you.




Showing 1 response by kota1

I’m looking for speakers with solid bass, capable of an appropriate punch that could easily fill our large listening/living room. It’s 19,5 x 23 feet with 10 ft ceilings. It’s already pretty well acoustically treated except for a diffuser on the front wall (behind speakers).

XTZ Sound is based in Europe and offers a 30 day buy and try, I suggest checking them out: