Plinus vs. Burmester amps

If anyone has experience with each of these brands of amps, I would like to know your impressions. I have heard & read good things about each. Thanks in advance.

Showing 3 responses by hr1

@ Apdoc2004

I've heard Burmester for very long time with a lot of
speakers and the sound result was always excellent, but with
own Burmester speakers you achieve one of best natural
absolute sound quality with an higher sense of reality
difficult to achieve at any level.
@ Falconquest

About the Burmester 911 Mk3 for "ME" is sonically
one of the best power amp (no matter tube or solid state)
ever made. A lot of experts (review from The Absolute
Sound/Tone Audio/Audiophilia/What HiFi and a lot of music
lovers worldwide have the same thinking.

I'd like to invite you in reading the following reviews:

The Absolute Sound, Golden Ear Award, 2007

The Absolute Sound, Golden Ear Award, 2007

"Quite simply one of the best-sounding solid-state amps to
thus far lighten our doorstep. It is an advance over the
earlier Burmester electronics in that it is not only close
to completely neutral but it shows no trace of the normally
ubiquitous transistor texture and grain in the upper
octaves. More interesting yet, to these ears, is how happy
it is driving all sorts of speakers, from the ultra-
revealing Kings to the sweetly euphonic Coltranes. An amp
for all seasons, and virtually all setups."