Plinius vs Sim Moon vs Ayre

Seeking a 100W or so amp with balanced inputs. Any opinions regarding superiority of any of the subject amps? Appearance means nothing, as amp is in basement below speakers. Any tubed suggestions instead? Must run balanced.

Showing 1 response by mikeam

I have heard both the Plinius and the Sim Audio W5 (I have a Sim Audio Moon P5 pre) and I think they are both superior amps and among the best SS you can purchase regardless of price. Regarding tubes, I would only caution to make sure it is truly a balanced design. Just because a tube amp has a balanced connector does not mean it is truly a balanced amp. I assume when you say basement, the cable length is going to be quite long. I also like to see my tube amp in case a tube arcs. This is rare but it does happen. I would suggest (if you can) an audition of the Plinius and the Sim gear, as I stated earlier both are good, but ultimately (and especially when talking a kilobuck purchase) your own ears must be the judge. Best regards, Mike