Plinius SA250 or Gamut D200


I'm looking for others opinion on these 2 amps, I have heard the Gamut D200 with the Dynaudio 1.3SE and found it to be very neutral but laking warmth that I'm used to, I'm also thinking of the Plinius SA250 as it is a Class A amp and it gives me the impression that it would have the warmth I'm looking for.

Please tell me what you think both of them?


Showing 1 response by paullindemann

I have owned both amplifiers and they sound very different indeed!

The Plinius has a dark sonic signature - considerably darker than real life, but a powerfull, fullness to its sound. The imaging floats in the middle.

The Gamut has a truer sonic signature, less of a viel between the music and listner, and a bit quicker attack of the music. The bass is fair, but not as powerfull as the plinius. The imaging is awesome - layered and detailed soundstaging - among the best in the world.