plinius integrateds

Have you had a chance to a/b the Plinius 8100 with the 8200? The 8200 has more features but some seem to like the sound of the 8100 better. What do you think? Is the 8200 better in every way or does the 8100 have some advantages? Excluding price and features, which sounds better. Thanks

Showing 1 response by jvia

I wonder how much of one's opinion has to do whether you own an 8100 or an 8200? I can't say much about the side by side comparison, though I to have heard and used the 8100,and I like it, but given what I know about the importers and company(having had dealing with them on other items) you can't go wrong either way. In looking, I haven't seen anything in the 8200 that would make it sound worse, unless it was a situation of current draw or overloading by or of associated components etc. If I had a deal on an 8100 and it suited my needs I would buy it, If I needed a little more in convenience and function, I would go with the 8200, ain't a bad problem to have.