I own the SA-102, so I'm not sure if my observations will be the same compared to the SA-100. I can hear a distinct difference between A and AB, although much of the sonic character is maintained in both modes. Class A provides a more focused, layered, and densely populated soundstage, the bass has subjectively greater reach and better pitch, the highs have a more crystalline quality, and there is slightly more warmth and body. Class AB sounds great as well, and is possibly more open, although less focused, and slightly more forward sounding. Even though the SA-100 is only rated at 100 wpc vs. the 8200p's 175 wpc I would think that it is capable of more current delivery than the 8200p due to its larger power supply.
Plinius class A vs. class AB sound difference?
I am considering purchasing a Plinius amp. I have read that many audiophiles do not hear a difference in an SA100 when it is switched between class A and Class AB modes of operation. If this is indeed the case, then would a Plinius 8200p (power amp; not the integrated) which is supposedly the same class AB circuitry found in the SA100, sound identical to the SA100?