Plinius Amps mated with Merlin VSM-Ms?

Has anybody matched up or heard Merlin VSM-M speakers with a Plinius amp such as the SA-102? Unfortuantely, financial reasons and "ease of use" may sway me to give up my wonderful Joule OTL monoblocks. I will keep tubes upstream, in my deHavilland UltraVerve preamp and Modwright Sony 999ES.


Showing 2 responses by tabl10s

Tons of people have used that combo(myself included). I had the SA100 Mk2 and upgraded to the Mk3...very nice. The only problem with that amp are the BP's. They're 50mm which are bigger than normal and require a larger spade connection. Your sound quality will probably take a hit, but ya gotta do, what ya gotta do.