Plinius amp repair in Michigan

I have used Plinius SA102 amp with CD-LAD preamp, and recently with M16 preamp which I recently obtained for its phono.
The amp suddenly shut off when I manually changed the input of the preamp from CD to phono. It worked just fine when the input was changed with the remote.
After that, the right channel went completely dead. After that, when I raise the volume at the moderate level, the left channel shuts off. The left channel is still alive though.
The preamp works fine with another power amp I have (much less amp).
So, I need to get the amp serviced. The problem is, the closest Plinius dealer does not repair the amp. I contacted Plinius service in New Zeeland via email for suggestions of any nearby service center, but I've got no response.
I live 100 miles north of Detroit, MI. Can anybody suggest me somebody who can repair Plinius in Michigan? Or maybe in Ohio, Indiana, or Chicago area? I don't want to ship this heavy amp.
Many thanks for your help.


All your our problems will be whisked away. 

Enjoy your newly refreshed amp.
fairly close in Rockford,Illinois. 
Worth the trip, they did an amazing job on my Sunfire 600.
highly recommended. 

My black SA100 MKIII amplifier was fully rebuilt and upgraded with the Ultimate Upgrade option by Ralph Abramo, Plinius Repairs.  This Ultimate Upgrade included the standard rebuild which includes: 1) New audiophile electrolytic capacitors; 2) Low ESR power supply capacitors; 3) New relays; 4) New switches; and 5) New adjustment variable resistors rebuild. The Ultimate Upgrade also included the second level upgrade which includes replacing the power supply rectifiers with low noise fast switching types and using special Nichicon Gold Standard power supply capacitors in the output stage. Along with the aforementioned power supply improvement there is the addition of four special low ESR Nichicon Gold Standard power supply capacitors physically added to the power supply circuit on a shelf that resides inside the amp. These caps are mounted with special capacitor clamps and are directly wired to the main board with 14 gauge Cardas Litz wire. These additional caps help the amp open up and produce a more detailed and resolved bass and transient response. Additionally Class A relays were installed on the main board which shorten the audio signal path of the Class A circuit. Prior to this upgrade, to engage Class A, you must use the front switch to move from Class AB to Class A. By design the audio signal travels by this wire to the front switch and back to the amplifier driver stage.  By adding a relay to the main board on each channel at the driver stage and using the front switch to engage the relay, the signal path for Class A is shortened resulting in less noise, virtually no signal loss and improved transient response. All power supply and rail supply bypass capacitors were replaced with high quality Audience AuriCaps XO for their ability to shunt parasitic AC noise to ground therefore reproducing cleaner high frequency detail. This upgrade included adding a blue LED to the front panel, same color as power LED, next to the Class A switch, that illuminates when the amp is in Class A, which can lead to savings in energy costs and cut down wear and tear on the amplifier. The IEC connector on the back of the amp was replaced with a Furutech Rhodium connector and connected to the power supply with high quality Cardas wire.  Additionally, (4) pairs of Furutech speaker binding posts were installed in the place of the factory original binding posts. The resulting sound quality is awe inspiring.

Good to hear your upgrade worked.

I also had the ultimate upgrade for my SA102. M16P preamp is also upgrade. They sound noticeably better than before. 


Hayw my Plinius sa100 binding post were replaced with a much better one cost $349 , plus the plate inside were removed we put Audioquest solid core copper.Yes there is improvement.