Plinius 8200P or Bryston 3B-SST for Maggie 1.6 QRs

The only thing I have now is the Music Hall CD-25 player and I am planing on getting a pair of Maggies 1.6 QR.
Both price and the power rating are close. Bryston has a way longer warrantee, but I don't think the Plinius will die very soon anyway.

Has anyone try A/B these 2 amps with the 1.6 or other speakers and how do they compare?

I listen to pretty much everything, but Heavy metal and Rap.

I would really appreciate any suggestion regarding these two amp. with the maggie or in general

Also any suggestion on the preamp to go along with either amps? I only have 2-300 left after the amp.

Is the foreplay (bottleneck) that good? I have seen a rave review. If it's that good could someone give me some idea about what product level it can compete too?

Thanks a lot,


PS I know the CD-25 may become my weakest link if I get this set up that the upgrade is possible in near future.

Also I have done a lot of searching on AG before asking this question, but just wanna hear more about it. It's probably impossible to audition them before getting ones.

Showing 1 response by drewfidelity

When I had Maggie 1.6's, my wife made me sell them or they may very well be in my current system, I had them mated to a Classe CA-150 amplifier. It was a nice combination. It is my understanding that the CAP 150/151 is very similar in power and ability as my CA-150 was. The only deficiency in comparison to the Bryston 3-B was in bass response. The Bryston 3-B was clearly better in that regard. The Classe was, in my opinion, the better match in all other parameters with the 1.6's.