Please talk me out of buying the Avalon Eclipse

I have found a good deal on these, never heard the Avalon speakers. Is the Eclipse  still a good speaker today? I say talk me out because I have to drive 12 hrs to get them!


Showing 15 responses by grislybutter

he wants to be talked out. Maybe he needs a real man to man talk. Like my mother used to say: "Are you nuts? Children in African are starving!"

how old are they? They might be fantastic for the right space but age and condition would be my concern

30 year old speakers - in general - are not worth a 12 hour drive and $700. Consider two factors - can you sell them and who else the seller could sell them to? They are too expensive to ship, a pain to store, keeping something you don't love is more of a hassle than a joy. Speaker are so subjective, there is really less than 20% chance that you will fall in love with them, in your room, with your gear.

one more: find something that someone wants where the speakers are from where you are. If could be a wedding cake, runaway bride, contraband, exotic bird, back of the speaker some member managed to saw off, whatever. They will probably pay you more than your trip would cost. 

can you listen to the one, where you live?

I don't know for what or for whom I would drive 24 hours cheeky

But there was a time....

I don't think it is fair to ask him to listen to them knowing I won't buy them at his asking price. It would be nice though.

fair enough. Sometimes audiophiles are friendly enough though to just let a fellow invalid listen 

@celo I am with you, I would be hesitant to ask too, but then again: Karma, I am sure you have done favors too, expecting nothing in return

"one more: find something that someone wants where the speakers are from where you are."

a big suitcase of a sense of humor?

(sorry sorry sorry)

In defense of (not sure)

The funniest bumper sticker I saw in Alabama:

"At least we are NOT Mississippi!"

In that case, @gbmcleod and everyone else raving about them were high as a kite. These speakers suck. Forget about them. 

let me sum it up: you advertised your noble but still insane quest (only sensible to the insanest of audiophiles) as you would drive 12 hours each way for a speaker you had never heard and never seen. It turns out, you would have done it ONLY when you were driving up there anyway, only a measly 5 hours away!

After all, you are just normal cheeky   

@thecarpathian that was really funny. I am sorry. Please keep them coming. But mix in some Florida roasting too