Please Support Music Education

Music education is more than just education. It's integration, it's culture. Those who can play music can change the world. Throughout American History music has been a force towards integration, equality and justice.

To have music education is to enrich.  To deny it is to impoverish. If

For these reasons and many others, I would like to encourage all music lovers to support music education at all levels, and of all kinds. Supporting public school music programs, classical music theory and history through music is to enrich us all.

Thank you,


Showing 7 responses by bkeske

To have music education is to enrich.  To deny it is to impoverish.

Well, as a visual artist, I could say the same about the visual arts. Or science, architecture, philosophy, literature, cinema, history, sports, or many other variety of things that enrich our culture.

Of course all should be supported. If you feel lead, support any/all of the above. 

Of course not Jim, nor his general concern for society and culture in general.


@Bkeske I hope you aren’t trying to "all arts matter" the argument.

Of course I am, because all of them do.

I had to fake playing my flute-a-phon in 3rd grade because I just didn’t get it, albeit I out-draw all my piers, and beyond. 

All that said, it didn’t, obviously, detract me from making music an important art form in my life. 

Not sure why you might think culturally music rises above the other arts and interests I mentioned. I also disagree with the belief all those other interests and/or arts are better funded than music. It was my innate artistic nature as a child that lead me to be interested in many of the arts, even the ones I was no good at at all, like music. Still cannot read, nor write, nor play any music, but am fascinated by it, enjoy it tremendously, and even more fascinated by composers of music. Not everyone can play or write music though, and not everyone can paint or draw, nor can everyone can design buildings (which I do now, that also includes science and math), but that doesn’t mean we cannot respect all of it. It all matters culturally.


Sorry man, seems you have blinders on. 

Of course all of us here are interested in music. And many other issues culturally as well.

Gee, I dunno, it seems like at every high school football game there is a marching band made up with quite a few students who are obviously interested in music. I never saw a marching painting or poetry squad at half time. Nor would there ever be enough students with enough talent or interest to create one a fraction of its size.

If we are going to discuss ‘vulnerability’ in school, I think I would be more worried about the fundamentals today. Ya know, reading, writing, and arithmetic. That concerns me more than the arts.