Please help with super basic questions about Mp3 players

Hi, I've never had an Mp3 player but would like to get one to use during some brisk walking and light jogging in the evenings after work. I'd like to get something that can handle the bumps of jogging and has a large enough screen that it can show artist, album and song tracks, and probably hold about 8 gigs. And of course not too expensive. Also not an apple product. Can you folks suggest some options to look into? Also where to learn how to use the thing, where and how to get music (I don't mind paying a reasonable price for albums and individual songs) and how to load it from I guess a computer to the player. As you can tell I don't know anything, yet...

Thank you for any help learning this stuff!

Showing 1 response by tls49

Like you, I had never had an MP3 player and decided I wanted one for a few different scenarios. After investigating, I decided to get a small inexpensive smart phone. It solved the desire for the MP3 player and had many more capabilities as well, plus a backup phone, should I need it.