Please help with Spectron Musician Issue.

I haven't been on Audiogon in a while, but I now find myself at wit's end. I'd like to know if anyone can guess the problem, and where I might get it fixed... other than Spectron! (Read on.) I'm not very technical w/stereo equipment.

System: Spectron Musician II Class D amplifier, upgraded to the "Hybrid" version. Audio Horizons tube pre-amp. Resolution Opus 21 CD source. PS500 power conditioner. Magnapan 2.2R speakers. Good quality cables all 'round.

The short story:

The Left channel on my Spectron Musician II Hybrid amplifier drops out frequently. When it does, volume through the speaker goes way down, with an astounding amount of distortion. Just low-volume crackles and a disgusting trickle of music coming through. Sounds like a kazoo. In this condition, it's not likely to 'fix' itself. Other times, from startup, things sound great, but lately, it's been all bad.

I can often 'fix' the problem by disconnecting the right speaker cable (amp off, of course) so that I can hear the Left channel, starting the amp back up, and pushing the volume up quite high... almost to dangerous levels for the speaker. Most times, the channel will suddenly and sharply clear up -- I have to be ready on that volume knob! It's almost like pushing a clog through a drain. From there, the system might play fine for hours... or not. The left channel can drop out at any time, and lately, we haven't been able to get through a session without a problem.

I have eliminated ALL possible other components. Swapped speaker cables; went direct source to amp bypassing the pre-amp; tried different sources; tried RCA instead of XLR inputs. When the problem happens, it happens in the left channel of the amp despite any changes outside the amp.

Any ideas what the cause might be?

Now, here's where it gets really rich:

This amp has a history, and I know that by posting this note, I'll never be able to resell it. It has been back and forth to Spectron several times, perhaps four. One time, when John from Spectron was trying to debug an issue over the phone, he had me plug it in and fire it up, fire being the operative term. Something shorted out, smoke came up, little bit of flame. Quite spectacular.

It went out to California, and they pushed me to get an upgrade to the Hybrid version, well over $1,000 layout. I was pretty happy with the upgrade until just a few days after the warranty ran out, when the left channel issue came up.

Out to California again.Spectron said they'd honor the warranty. Spectron kept it for several weeks, and said they couldn't find any problems. Sounded normal to them, and they said they burned it for quite a while. (As I said earlier, it might play well for a while, and the problem is unpredictable.) They claim to have diddled one small, insignificant thing and sent it back.

Now they want to see the amp again (another couple of hundred in shipping costs), and yet their engineer can't even speculate what the issue might be. Clearly, I have little confidence that they'll fix the problem, and if I know Spectron, they'll try to cheap me out of more dollars. And yet, if I don't lay out more money, I have a boat anchor. Replacing the amp is not an option, financially speaking. Heck, Spectron makes the things, they should be able to repair them!

My questions:

Would you send the amp back to Spectron, given the circumstances?

If you did, would you have them honor the warranty on the upgrade, even though it has expired. I let them know about the issue BEFORE warranty expiration, but it cleared and I couldn't test it completely until AFTER warranty.

Do you have any idea what the problem might be?

Do you know of any wiz-kid repair person who does Class D work who would be a good alternative to a Spectron repair?

I've loved my amp... when it works. But this... this... is intolerable.

Thank you for your time and advice.

Rob Hanson

Showing 12 responses by rhanson739

Samhar and Elizabeth --

Thank you for your responses. They are very comforting.

I guess I have another question, then: Given the situation, how do I go about convincing them to replace the channel or the entire unit? What leverage do I have?

I should add that I bought this amp second-hand from what I thought was a reputable source. Yet, Spectron sold me on the upgrade, which was pretty much a complete replacement of most internal parts. They even bragged something like, "It's like getting 2/3rds of the amp replaced."

Thanks again for your responses. It was just what I was hoping for.

A bit of a bump on this, as I'm calling Spectron today.

Can anyone recommend a good, independent tech who might want a go at this problem? Thanks.
** Update **

I'm pleased to report that this issue has been resolved by Spectron.

After the amp was returned by UPS due to an obsolete Spectron address, I sent it back in on Oct. 22nd. It was returned on Nov. 19th.

The lead engineer told me: "I suspected and replaced a new Modulator on the amp module (Left) and also replaced the new Regulator boards (I do not think it is a problem) to be safe."

Seems to me that he wanted to be extra-special careful about the repair, and then he tested it for quite a while -- likely also helping to burn in the new parts.

The amp is back home now, and is sounding great. After so much time chasing down this problem, I still seem to be in the chronic habit of checking the Left channel, but I'm sure that'll pass.

I'd like to congratulate Spectron for following up on this issue and making me a happy customer.

I like the way you think, Unsound! Last time, it was $100 to ship one-way, and it wasn't fixed.

Thanks for your reply, Chayro. Unfortunately, I can't just walk away. There is simply no room in my budget to replace this, so if I can't get a fix, I'll either go without music, or have to sell the rest of my system.
Jazzcourier - I understand what you're saying, but given the circumstances I've encountered, my experiences are different from yours. Specifically, I sent this amp to them with the same problem in 2011, and they sent it back un-fixed.

As an update: Yes, my experience with them has been decent in terms of responsiveness, but considering that my negative encounters with the amp since 2008 have been ongoing, it's time to fix it once and for all.

I have now arranged to return the amp to Spectron, and they will honor the original upgrade warranty (2008), as I reported the problem to them prior to warranty expiration. At issue now is whether they'll pay outbound shipping, and I suspect they will. Both Spectron and I hope that we'll never have to deal with this issue again.

I'll be offline for several weeks, but will update this thread when the issue is resolved, so that people get the proper impression of Spectron service and engineering. Fair's fair, after all. I have issues with their amp -- and have had for some time -- but my hope is that the company will fully stand behind their product.

Spectron was *highly* responsive to this situation, and I've had a good email exhange with the folks there, and a couple of really nice phone conversations with Toni. I can safely say that they understand how frustrating this situation is, and that they will work through it to see a good conclusion.

For the record: I've never had a problem with most of the people at Spectron; I've had continuing but varied problems with this particular *amplifier.* And this is only the second time it has been returned since becoming a "Hybrid". Prior to that, the amp had other problems unrelated to the current issue, which were satisfactorily resolved by Spectron.

In this situation, the issue of money never even came up. Spectron will provide a solution under the Hybrid warranty, and has graciously agreed to pay shipping BOTH ways, which is a huge help for this cash-strapped guy.

When I first wrote my post, I was asking the general audience a) for a possible theory on what might be wrong, and b) for an idea of how I might address the issue with the manufacturer. Some may have interpreted that I was casting apersions on Spectron (and I actually would redact one statement I made in the original post, if I only could), but I was more at "wit's end," complete with tones of frustration. That was before I talked to them. I feel better now. :)

I believe that Spectron, and Manh in particular, have stepped up to the plate in fine fashion, and I'm confident that I'll have a good solution when all is said and done. As promised, I'll provide a further update in about a month.

Thanks also to everyone who chimed in with their thoughts. It really helped to inform my dealings with Spectron, and for that, I'm grateful.

Expensive things sometimes need support and TLC, and all things stereo are close to our hearts. At a time like this, it's good to know that a quality manufacturer will step up, "do the right thing", and maintain a solid reputation in the industry. I love to do business with companies like that.

Thanks again, all,
Mcintech -

Thanks for putting this into perspective for me.

You see, I never had any of the jobs you mentioned, nor do I have 32 years electronics repairs experience. Heck, I probably couldn't recite Ohms Law Theory on a bet. Clearly, then, I can't repair an amp of any type by myself. While your record is something you can be proud of -- and I'm sure you are -- it must also be a burden.

See?... I can own any darned amp I want to own, Class D, or otherwise. They're all the same to me, except for the sound quality.

Revrob -- I've replied to your private message. Sorry for the delay, I've been offline for a month.

Sadly, the amp never made it to Spectron for repair. No one at Spectron had informed me that they moved locations two years ago, so I sent it to the wrong address. You'd think that UPS could redirect the package to the new address, as they had Spectron's account number at hand.

So instead of having it fixed while I was gone, I now have to resend it and wait until it's fixed... without music. Sucks.

It was a careless slip-up on both our parts, I'm sure, but still... Grrrrrrrr....
Looks like it's time for me to update my own thread!

After receiving my amp back from Spectron, I continued to have some problems. Time to throw in the towel, I thought. The people at Spectron and I worked out an arrangement, and as a result, I'm now running a Spectron Musician III MK2 with all upgrades.

In a word, "happy." I haven't had a single issue with the new amp. Nada... Zilch... Perfect operation. It sounds fantastic.

My only "problem" is that getting the new amp caused a slew of upgrades, to the point that every component is new, from speakers to cables. Having just added some Vandersteen 2wq subs into the mix, I really couldn't be more delighted with how things turned out.

I'll probably never deal with this type of issue again. Just too much angst and expense in that.

Thanks, Kernelbob... I think... :)

Budgetary restrictions preclude the possibility of a second Musician III at this time, although I do appreciate your insights.

One thing that surprised me: The Vandersteen 2wq subwoofers were the best possible additions (given my budget, of course.) With the battery-biased crossovers between the pre- and amp, they take a lot of the load off the Spectron, leaving it more free to handle the power-hungry Magnepan 3.7s, as well as providing bass that the Maggies can't really reach anyway. The difference was anything but subtle... we haven't turned off the music since getting the subs in.