Please help me figure out what I need to do this. My head spins with tech talk..

I am considering a sim audio moon cd transport 260dt to replace my beloved CD player that just died.I have a Plinius 9200 integrated. What do I need to make this combo work? Do I need a DAC?I get that transports are different from players but I just want to make sense of all of this in a simple way. thanks!

Showing 7 responses by audiothesis

Hey abstract, what is the rest of the system? I am a dealer and do have a demo North Star Blue Diamond available but I’m not sure it will fit the system and your taste. I have a feeling the old player was adding a lot to help the Plinius give you that lush sound. 

For on the cheap the older Jolida JD100 gets consistent praise. 
I've had a few AMR CD-777 and they are fantastic - some of the best CD players I've heard. I recommended that one because I think not only will the performance meet your expectations but so will the infusion of the tube and what it brings to the table. 

I fear without a tube in the source you might be chasing gear for a while to be content. 

The OP is using an integrated so in order to get tubes into a preamp stage she will need a completely new approach to what she already had.  Also, while I am a believer in streaming and do it 99% of the time, there still is a small performance difference between a streamer and a CD transport, where the transport just has more dynamics.  I've had several people confirm this and I've experienced it myself.

I can also guarantee you that besting that AMR with a transport + DAC for the same money will be an almost impossible feat.  Even streaming you have to have a good transport in front to make it work with some excellent cables in between.
That is my experience.  The margin is VERY slight but noticeable.  Over the years the delta has shrunk considerably and I imagine in a few more years it will be an even playing field in the majority of applications.  For me, even as a dealer where every bit counts, I find streaming to be a better fit as the convenience is off the charts.

Streaming provides such a seamless integration to your music and changes the entire way you listen.  Having TIDAL on tap has not only allowed me to experience all the music I love (Tool excluded since they are not on there), but it has also introduced me to so much more music that have become personal favorites.  TIDAL has become an integral tool for me as a listener and as a dealer.

Also for me, my personal collection of music does not sound as good as TIDAL, so there might be more to do to maximize this option that I am not doing.  However, for the intents of the first paragraph, the comparison was done with a CD transport vs. a streamer of the same brand/quality, same cables, and matched volume.  The streamer used TIDAL via ROON, not locally stored music.
The streaming transport is still a VITAL part of the streaming chain and not addressing that aspect is a surefire way to get bad sound.  You also can't simply get a NAS and DAC and have sound - you NEED that streamer.  Some DAC's are Roon endpoints but then they are more streaming devices with built-in DAC's.  Either way, both a streamer and a cd transport qualify as transports.  

While I agree that a CD transport has the potential to create issues, you still have the price points to contend with.  By the time you can actually achieve the sound quality that AMR CD-77 puts out, you'll easily surpass that seller's used price and probably be closer to the retail price.  I know my streaming 'package' is above five figures once you factor in my networked music, and I don't consider that to be really high end either.

I will also admit that my fears have been that the software used might have a lot of bad influence on streaming devices.  My point here is that theory vs. reality often produce different results and I've learned never to hold onto either one of them too hard.  In each case there can be factors completely missed that change expectations tremendously.  This is why I presented my experiences as such and have support from others whose ears I trust.  I believe the theory that a file should be superior than a CD track, but for some reason that theory doesn't line up with my reality yet. 

Reality beat theory when I showed at RMAF.  I ended up having to use a CD transport 90% of the time because of the sonic differences, all other things being equal.  The streamer and Cd transport were of similar build quality from the same company using the same cabling.  I even paid about $300 extra for ancillary items/installation to ensure my streamer worked in the room and I begrudgingly had to all but give it up.  This was not an isolated event either.

I am not here to ruffle feathers and would appreciate not being insinuated as a bold faced liar.  My intent in this thread is to share my experiences and help the OP find a solution that fits HER needs and desires first and foremost.  She has been provided a lot of food for thought and I hope she settles on what provides the best experience for her.

With sincerity,
