Please help me choose CD isolation

I am suffering from a mild case of Audiophile burnout this week and need advice in choosing effective CD isolation relatively inexpensively (under $150 ). I put my CD player on top of my rack in order to make room for a new tuner. I have some Vibrapods underneath, and they are doing a nice job, but honestly want something more appealing visually that doesn't change the tonal balance too much, and maybe adds a touch more detail. I am listing my system in order to get the best advice possible, THANKS in advance for taking the time to read this and helping me out. Martin Butler.

* Musical Fidelity HT600 5 channel amp w/ Acoustic Zen Silver Reference interconnects,Yamamura Quantum power cord.

* B&K AVP3090 pre-amp w/ Harmonic Technology Pro-11 AC power cord)

* Sony DVP-9000ES SACD/DVD player (w/ Acoustic Zen Silver Reference interconnects, and an Acoustic Zen Tsunami pc)

* B&W Nautilus 805 speakers w/ matching stands, HTM-2 center, LM-1 surrounds (w/ H. Tech Pro-9 plus bi-wire cables)

* REL Strata III subwoofer , XLO custom Neutrik Speakon conector and DH Labs BL-1 for 5.1 out, and H. Tech Pro-11AC pc)

* Denon MD-1000 Minidisc recorder (H. Technology Truthlink interconnects, and Audio One "Reference" toslink cable )

*Musical Fidelity A3 Tuner

* Toshiba 40X81 Widescreen HDTV (Monster component cables)

* Monster HTS-3500 power center

* Salamander Synergy Systems rack

* Hubble 8300i outlets

* Cardas RCA caps

Showing 1 response by jayboard

Martin, I like Neuance shelf -- it might be barely above your budget in price -- best under my CDP. Definitely worked best in terms of tonal balance and coherence, so might be your cup of tea, and also best preserved timing and pace. Next best was Mapleshade Triplepoint cones -- lots of detail and definition, high and low, but somewhat attention getting. Compliant feet were last. Also, Mapleshade Heavyhat weight sounds good on top -- pleasantly punctuates leading edges and weight of notes; I haven't had much in way of results with flat things that have a lot of surface area. For more detail, visit these threads with many comments on Neuance and other options: Linn CD Player Tweaks, Racks and Shelves, Cones/Bearings for CD Players, Shelf Material - Neuance, and the "mother of all isolation threads", Isolation vs. Absorption. --Jayson