Please help a new tube user!

I'm anticipating my new used Jolida 502b integrated amp in the next couple days. The seller didn't know how old the tubes on it were (3rd party seller) so should I just assume they're old and buy a new set? Also, what tools besides a voltmeter should I have for my tube equipment. Thanks! D
Sorry to have neglected your second question. Buy a multimeter, as you can do so much more than a voltmeter with it. A good one(and you don't need anything great) can be had reasonably(less than $100). Biasing a Jolida is simple. Not the easiest(like the CJ red LEDs), but really easy. There are connections on the topside of the amp for your meter. Simply make the connection(you measure and bias one tube at a time) for each of the four 6550s(replace them with JJ KT88 during your eventual retube), and measure. If it is out of range, adjust it into range. Child's play. In fact, I have a piece of literature from Jolida where they wanted to convey how easy it is. They took a bunch of women who work there(not sure why they needed to stress that), and set them up with an amp, a meter, and the Jolida instructions. None had a problem biasing an amp(so they say). You can also experiment with the bias; definitely changes the sound. Don't go light years away from the specs, but you may like the tube biased a hot or cold.
I've owned most of the big names in tube equipment and have the Jolida 502B in my bedroom system. Jolida has about the best price/performance ratio of any tube amp. That said the original chinese tubes sound BAD. When you get the unit if those are the tubes that come with it I would retube immediately if your budget permits. The KT-88's referenced above make a major improvement to the sound, especially in the bass. I have also retubed the small tubes with high quality NOS tubes and it does make a very noticable difference. I've been very happy with the NOS tubes from Kevin at Upscale Audio. A full set is rather expensive ($80-$120) but I do think it is worth it. Biasing is easy.
To all who pitched in-- thank you for your help! I'm very excited about moving to tubes... like owning a vintage motorcycle; sure it requires some care, but that's all part of loving the experience. Thanks again! d
Hi, I'm new in tubes!!!! Iwould like to help me someone with bias adjustment of the JADIS ORCHESTRA (EL-34).
Many thanks