Please Compare these mid 1990's SS amps.

Hello everyone,
I am considering the following amps. It will be used with an ARC LS 16. Cables are Alpha Core silver, and speakers are Sonus Faber Grand Piano. (first version)
Over the years I have listened to each of these amps, but I cannot specificly remember their respective strengths and weaknesses. Your collective memories would be very helpful.
Thanks in advance for your assistance.

Aragon 8008 ST
ARC D-300
Forte 4A
Have not heard the 300, if you push me hard I would go for the Forte (Class A), but please consider room size since it is not that powerfull.

Of those amps, it would be between the 400MKII and the Forte 4A. I'd go with the 400MKII, which was a fine amp in its day and is still one of the better solid-state amps. If you don't need 200 watts per channel, the Forte 4A would also be a good choice, but the ARC will give you better bass extension and a more effortless presentation with virtually no drawbacks. The Aragon isn't nearly as refined as the Forte or the ARC 400MKII. I've never heard the D300, but the ARC dealers I know weren't all that impressed with it.