please chime in...

i've replaced the pre section of my simaudio moon i-5 integrated with a tweaked bottlehead foreplay for cd only. i find tubes in my otherwise ss chain makes a difference. it smooths things out. normally i hate digital, and prefer listening to vinyl. but while the table is in the shop, i've been listening to a lot of cd's, and have been pretty satisfied at what the foreplay has brought to the mix. my question is: is this crazy?? using a $300 or so pre instead of the class a pre in a $2700 integrated and hearing a difference? is it possible? i know the common answer might be if it sounds good to you keep doing it, but im just trying to get opinion if this is logical, and if so, why don't more folks try it with their ss integrateds? and im wondering trading all of this in and using something like a pathos hybrid might make more sense...

really looking for feedback here. thanks.

Showing 1 response by dougdeacon

Makes sense to me. I use tube pre/ss power and it works quite well IMO.

As for the price difference, you're comparing a mainstream manufacturer who sells via traditional distributor/retailer channels to a direct marketed brand that caters to the DIY enthusiast. A Bottlehead's MSRP would be 3-4 times higher if it had to pass through as many hands as a SimAudio to get from Doc to you.

In a market as inherently small as high end audio, economies of scale in manufacturing and distribution are difficult to achieve. The value-for-cost battle cannot often be won by ramping up volume, the demand simply isn't there to support it. Manufacturers seeking to provide greater value can do so by eliminating layers between themselves and the end user. Go to CES and you'll see the companies that prefer the traditional, high cost distribution chain. Go to VSAC, MWAF or similar shows and you'll see the manufacturers who prefer the lower cost direct sales route - and you'll see many components that offer outstanding performance for your dollar.

Bottlehead, Cain & Cain, Galibier, Teres... there are plenty of examples.