Please be gentle....

Hi everyone,

Let me start by saying, i know nothing at all about audio/recording/etc. equipment. I have a vintage Sharp solid state stereo tape recorder (RD-709) and speakers that are all in a hard case. I have tried to find this model number everywhere and have found similiar items but not this one. I have no idea how to work it and in fear of causing major damage, i have not even plugged it in. It has been stored inside a closet for a very long time and in the process of moving my dear frind into assisted living, we came across this. From the looks of it, it has not beed used much and my friend cannot remember anything about it.  

I am at your mercy for any input on where to go to 1) find a manual, 2) find a value, 3) if there is no value, to whom in the audio world would want it? Again, I freely admit my ignorance in this realm and in my opinion, this equipment is immacule, perhaps even museam quality. I beg of you kind folks to relay, ( in laywomans terms...basically dumb it down for me please) any infomation to get me going on my reseach about this ancient equipment. 
A thousand thanks, in advance,

Cat in Washington State

Showing 1 response by oregonpapa

catinwa ...

I found this:

These aren’t worth much in today’s market. Good in their day though. You would need pre-recorded 4-track reel to reel tapes to play, With that thought in mind, dig around to see if your friend has any tapes. Some of them could bring good money on eBay. In fact, if you find tapes, you might want to consider selling the unit and tapes as a bundle on eBay. Put it up for auction and see what happens.

Check out the prices of 4-track tapes here:

Hope its helpful to you.
