Pleasantly Surprised

I bought a B&K Reference 2220 amp to replace my 22 year old Carver 200t amp.

I didn't know I listening to harshness all these years till today!
Many years ago I changed from Carver solid state to B&K solid state and was overjoyed. I can vividly relate to that memory. Many years later, I was equally astounded by the difference between NOS and current production vacuum tubes. I don't claim to be an expert, but I've yet to hear a current production tube better an NOS replacement. Enjoy the ride.
I must add, I'm talking about high quality and appropriate NOS replacements, and not necessarily the best or most expensive.
Also, the speakers I've made have surprised me even more with a decent amp driving them. Double happiness!
Lars, would you please tell me where I can get ( and what) NOS el34's for my mono's that are appropriate and high quality without being very expensive? These are Manley Snappers BTW.
I'm sure others would be interested too. Also I tried Telefunken 12at7's in my Stingray and they sounded horrible and then blew up on me. EI, EH and JJ sounded much more full and not as shrill.
I've change to all Chinese tubes now,I like them the best of the new stuff. Ive tried the Brimars and Bugle boys,I thought they're good,but they didnt blow me away and they're spendy to a poor boy like me.. I like the current Chinese tubes,cheap and great sound.