Playback Designs MPS-5 Review in Stereophile

I thought there was a thread about MF's review of the Playback Designs MPS-5 in Stereophile. Did I dream that?

I own the PD and love it and agree 100% with MF's subjective review. OTOH, JA brought up some objective "flaws" in his testing and PD answered back that they thought that JA was measuring the wrong things, but thank you.

This brought up the classic, but interesting and informative, discussion of objectivism vs. subectivism and are we testing the right things.

How does this all this color the review of the Playback Designs MPS-5 in the minds of readers here. Overall, was the review positive or negative for PD?

I vote for positve and believe that we're not testing the right things yet. I'm very encouraged by the protocol that Nordost is developing, using actual music signals to explain differences heard when changing things like isolation platforms, power cords, speaker cables, etc. Hopefully there'll be a white paper soon, so that others can try the protocol and either validate it or prove it wrong. I'm rooting for a new protocol and hope it arrives soon.


Showing 2 responses by dcstep

Jb0194 woke up on Valentine's Day and just needed to say something. It didn't matter if it made sense, apparently.
Generally, I don't think it's in Mr. Koch's nature to come on here and answer your questions.

Didn't the XDS1 come out in 2009. If so, Andreas had left well before it's release.

I have compared the MPS-5 to Emm's prior one-box SACD/CD player and thought the PD to be clearly superior, but I haven't heard Emm's latest offering.

I've been told that Andreas did in the PD things that he wasn't able to do at Emm.

Many think that JA was measuring the wrong things.