Playback Designs MPD3 Audition

Ill keep this short and sweet....anyone else hearing you're or owning this dac your opinions would be appreciated. The other trio of Dacs I had in the house were not in the same league. Albeit the were several price points cheaper...I guess amgonna have to part with money..v

Showing 4 responses by jtinn

Doggiehowser: Thank you for your thorough efforts and comments. I hope you have a chance to do the comparison again once the Playback Designs MPD-3 is fully broken in. You might find the bass and body to be more prominent.

Also please call me and I will be happy to walk you through DSD playback over USB with either a MAC or PC.

Best Regards,

Jonathan Tinn
Playback Designs
I am trying to stay out of this discussion as much as possible as opinions are very personal.

However, the mistake is to let anything other than a good DAC do the upsampling. No computer software program can do as good a job as a good DAC.

Bill, you might want to try it again having our DAC handle every part of the conversion.

Jonathan Tinn
Playback Designs
Hi Bill,

It is based on knowledge as well as listening.

I really do not know how you have it setup, but I assure you our DAC will do a much better job handling the conversion than a software player can.