Planar speaker placement

Hi again. I just came across this, being new to the hobby, but would like to put it forth for those few who might not know it yet, and to get feedback from those that do and have experience with it. It being hk/limage theory speaker placement. I tried this with my Maggies and, holy cow. What a difference it made in my room! The speakers disapear from the room and the soundstage is amazing. The speakers are brought out about 40%of the room size from the wall, instead of the usual 2-4 ft, set very close to the sidewall, amd tweeters on inside. I'm sure the regulars here have heard about it, and would like to hear your thoughts. Thanks for your time.

Showing 4 responses by droleg

Mine are 10' from the front wall. Th wall i face from my listening chair. (That's feet). My room is 16 ft wide and speakers are 11" from side wall. Yes, lots of space between them. Again, i just came across this a couple of days ago and am room is 16x25.
Traditionally, maggies are placed about2-4 feet from  front wall and 2ish ft from side wall,  with the tweaters positioned outboard., depending on listening position , room acoustics, and whatnot. However this hk/limage method, developed by a Japanese fellow, i believe, has them almost in the middle(35-40%) of the room length away from the front wall,and 10-12" from the side wall, with the tweaters inboard. LOTS of space between the speakers, but the music is comming from ths space. 

Thanks Tom. I'll check it out. As i've learned, there's several methods of placement. I guess it depends on your room, your music , your preference of which aspect of the sound is most important to you( soundstaging, acuracy, seperation of instruments, etc.). Warrens placement might be best for evaluating the equipment, but maybe not if you're listening to enjoy music.just have to try and see what works for you.   Regards.
Cardiffkook, i would love to share but i have no frequency charts or analyzer to quantify overblown or lacking areas.  I believe it was the planar asylum forum where i came across this several weeks ago,  and have been experimenting with ppacement. But, for some reason, i do non seem to be getting a pronounced holes or overliness of frequencies in my room. Maybe the shape of my room, room tx, or my aging, not so acute hearing. Room is carpeted, w/2 rows of theater seating, 26x16. Walls are 6ft fertical, then slope in some , then horizontal ceiling at 10 ft tall. Speakers 9 ft from fw  and seating position 9ft back from plane of spkrs.  Not quite the 40% off front wall, but so far, seems to have best effect, but still moving them around and auditioning different arrangements.