Get the Placette Line Stage, which is active but has no gain. It will give you everything you wanted from a passive without the downsides. If you need gain, he can build it in, but you probably won't need it. This is a tremendous product.
Placette pre amp
I don't have a pre-amp yet and I'm not sure if I should get one. I am waiting to decide whether to buy a cd player with a volume control or to get a passive pre-amp. What would be the difference in sound? I have tube amps (Legend Audio Design) and love the sound of them, but their pre-amp doesn't have a volume remote, which I really want. If I get a passive preamp or cd player with a volume control will I lose the sound of the Legends? I know there has been a lot of discussion about passives but still not sure what to do. Does anybody own the Placette (or any other passive) and what does it do to the sound versus having an active pre-amp or cd directly into the amps? I don't own a turntable right now, but will be getting one down the road, so I may need a pre-amp?