Placette pre amp

I don't have a pre-amp yet and I'm not sure if I should get one. I am waiting to decide whether to buy a cd player with a volume control or to get a passive pre-amp. What would be the difference in sound? I have tube amps (Legend Audio Design) and love the sound of them, but their pre-amp doesn't have a volume remote, which I really want. If I get a passive preamp or cd player with a volume control will I lose the sound of the Legends? I know there has been a lot of discussion about passives but still not sure what to do. Does anybody own the Placette (or any other passive) and what does it do to the sound versus having an active pre-amp or cd directly into the amps? I don't own a turntable right now, but will be getting one down the road, so I may need a pre-amp?

Showing 1 response by abecollins

I have owned the Creek OBH-12, McCormack TLC-1, Adcom GFP-750, Classe CP-35, CJ PF-R, CJ PV-12L, CJ PV-14L, ARC LS-16, and BAT VK-20. My CD player is the Cary 306/200 and my amp is the CJ Premier 11a tube amp.

Of the passive preamps, I like the McCormack TLC-1 the best(but no remote), the Creek OBH-12 next, and lastly the Adcom GFP-750 (in passive or active mode). The McCormack produces the least coloration without upsetting the soundstage. The OBH-12 is quite good, much better than the Adcom GFP-750. The Adcom sounded flat and lacking dynamics in passive mode and was somewhat bright and irritating in active mode. However, in my system, an active preamp seems to be a better fit for my listening enjoyment. The active preamps do seem to produce better dynamics and soundstage.

Of the vacuum tube preamps above, the ARC LS16 was the most neutral sounding and had the best bass authority but not nearly as good as the ss preamps. Ultimately, I prefer a ss active preamp and find the CJ PF-R to be outstanding with good dynamics while retaining that nice CJ midrange. The BAT VK-20 (which is in my system now) is more neutral than the CJ PF-R and it has great dynamics and soundstage while having the best user interface I have ever experienced. I still haven't decided which I like better and for now it's a toss up between the CJ PF-R and the BAT VK-20, both priced about the same on the used market. I'm keeping the McCormack TLC-1 and I continue to experiment with the CJ PF-R and the BAT VK-20.

I'd love to try a Placette preamp or a Pass Labs preamp someday.