Placement tips for Synergistic Research HTFs

I just bought 15 HTFs and will also be making about a dozen of Ozzie's homemade models.  While I will re-fresh myself with SR's placement tips, and I get that I will have to do some experimenting to tailor the HFT effect to MY listening room; are there any "Advanced HFT Placement Tips" some of you would like to share with us?  Something that might be overlooked by many of us?  Or maybe, just a good rule-of-thumb tip for someone just starting to use these?
The tips could be tips for bring out more highs, solidifying the bass response, placement hi vs low, in front of vs behind speakers, on side walls, at reflection points, behind the listener, on the ceiling above the equipment or above the listener, on the equipment.
Any ah-ha that you would like to share?  I would also be very interested in hearing from people using Magnapans.


Showing 13 responses by jkbtn

I'm surprised to know that there are people out there actually buying this stuff.
Oh I'm curious about this big parabolic resonator ($2500).
I am trying to build my own using guitar cone resonators ($10/pc).
I know it would probably be just another perceived placebo effect though.
Checked the price on the HFTs from SR - $300 to $500 for a set of five.
Would buy a new LG washing machine. Guaranteed to make your everyday life better.

" I wonder ... can you patent pebbles? Ted doesn't do pebbles, not yet anyway. " I doubt that. If pebbles (or the resonator cups) were part of some system (like speakers), then he could possibly get the system patented.

Try these bell-shaped brass cones. All you need to do is to place the bell into a 3/8" copper cap by hammering it gently. NO need for glue or any other adhesives. Tight and secure! And it makes a very nice resonator cup. You will know how wonderfully it resonates (when whistling into it). It will cost you about $1 per resonator cup ($0.25 per the bell and $0.70 per the copper cap).
Yes, I did. It takes about 2 weeks to arrive (if you live in the USA).
You should have the measurements of 14.7mm (the base diameter of the copper cap) x 17.5mm (top to bottom of the assembled resonator cup).
"Since they're so inexpensive I ordered three of the sizes. The 10mm, 12mm &14mm sizes. 14mm - those are huge! Easily more than a half inch wide! I can see why you would need a 3/8" copper cap. Did you notice if the size of your resonators impacts different frequencies than other resonators? I'm wondering if something that big might have a greater effect on lower frequencies. On the other hand, could their size allow them to help bring out higher frequencies without adding harshness? Do you have other sizes and/or types of resonators? "

I actually went to Home Depot and measured the inner diameters of all copper caps available with my vernier caliper. Obviously the 3/8" cap was the smallest I could find and didn't want to use anything bigger than that. The ID of the 3/8" was slightly less than 14mm, then I thought a cone with the OD of 14mm would fit into the cap perfectly if I forced to insert it into the cap. And it wouldn't come out once it's tightly placed. I searched for something with the OD of 14mm. It didn't take long to find these beautiful bells. It makes beautiful timber bell sound just like the triangle percussion when tapping it with some metal object like knife. Two weeks later I got 30 bells and started assembling my DIY resonator cups that resonate magnificently. You'll be amazed. Oh and, I won't try to make any more resonator cups so I will never know your question regarding "size vs frequencies". That's it.

It's just self-indulgence.
I also got the best effect by putting my resonators on the front of my speakers. That's about it... (being truthful to myself).
Thanks for the great write up, toolbox. Today I took all the DIY resonator cups off the walls and speakers. I'll probably throw them away. But I did have a ton of fun making them and playing with them for the past couple of weeks. I thought these things deepened the sound stage... but I was wrong. I was simply trying to defend my investment ($30 and labor and expectations). Just a placebo effect.

I actually tried hard but each time with each different placement/setup I had no doubt I was hearing absolutely no difference in sound quality/stage. I am no Mozart but I’ve reached these conclusions based on what I was hearing. If you are interested in these resonators (before you go any further to spend money and time) send me a private message. You can come on by and pick them up if you live in southern California. I am a retired mechanical engineer.

The single biggest improvement I’ve ever made (besides buying new CDP, amp, speakers) resulted from re-positioning the speakers so that the drivers were way out in front of the big screen TV and the front wall… dramatically improved sound stage, blossoming in space between and behind the speakers. Oh and, draping a thick fleece blanket over my Samsung TV really worked, resulting in a little more defined sound quality. It only made a little difference but definitely noticeable. The problem was it didn’t look good so I stopped using it.

folkfreak332 posts05-07-2017 2:07pmQuestion to those of you on this thread? Are you using the SR FEQ (or equivalent RF pulse generator) along with your SR or home build resonators? The FEQ really is essential to activate the resonators but is itself mighty sensitive to a) grounding (if you have more than one FEQ make sure they are grounded exactly together) and b) footing -- after much experimentation I have mine on custom symposium bases, the bases themselves on roller blocks
Wow, that’s intense. Can you tell us how the activator thing, SR FEQ, works? How can those resonators be possibly activated? Activated vs non-activated resonators??? The inventor must win the Nobel Prize in Acoustics (or in Snake Oiling).
Thanks for the links. It seems more like a teamplay (the inventor and reviewers). BTW what's with Audio Magic room correction bells??? This snake oil industry is amazing... only the sky is the limit.
If it’s a team I suppose I (and all the other satisfied users of these types of products) are all playing along

No, you’re not. You’re just a believer.
The SR powercell supplied wrong kind of electricity to the FEQs.
So they failed to activate the resonators.
Very interesting experiment you did this morning. Thanks for sharing.

Low post-count trolls, come to save us from ourselves. Hallelujah! I can hear the temple bells chiming!

@folkfreak just ignore this guy. He has 27 posts and does nothing but tell us all how gullible we are.

You don’t get it, toddverrone. You’re one of "the trolls" he was mentioning. In fact geoffkait seems to be THE troll on this discussion forum... with 5500 posts. Well, those resonators don’t work. As I mentioned in my previous posts I’ve reached those conclusions based on what I was hearing. But you (or folkfreak) can believe whatever you want to believe. It’s your money. Good luck with your resonators and activators.