Pioneer RT-707 reel to reel decks

Hi - Just wondering if anyone has an opinion on these decks (or the RT-909) re: both sonics and reliability. I know they're not in the league of the big Technics or best Teacs or Revox, but the small "footprint" has serious WAF!

Showing 1 response by vicdamone

The RT series was an economical alternative to most all other consumer decks of the day such as Tandberg and Revox. The spec wars were in full swing which spawned the big Technics. Solenoid operated transports were a boon to reliability.

There was another war in progress in those days. The over population of buttons, switches, lights, and tool accessible heads. The Japanese products were especially adorned.

I purchased a 909 to play the quarter inch dupes from the studios main board outputs. Unknowingly, the 909 became a great party mix devise when used at a slower speed and auto reverse is selected. People were far more frighted to touch a ten inch reel to reel compared to turntable in those days.