Pioneer Elite vs. Pioneer "Standard" Kuro Plasmas

My primary question is weather or not the "Elite" models are worth the extra dough ? Does anyone know if they can both be ISF calibrated ?

Thank you

Showing 3 responses by audiotomb

Pioneer will stop making their panels in April 2009

I heard this and just bought a 60' kuro 14
I have an older 50" elite
nothing like the pioneers and no fear buying it
mines been reliable from day one
the best tv on the market
it's all over the avs forums
I took action and bought a 9g model
the black levels are fabulous
panasonic was going to make the pioneer's glass to cut down costs
that deal fell through (Panasonic dropped out)
and hence the Pioneer collape

panasonic did not make pioneer's panel

pioneer is still mkaing the best sets money can buy
the kuro takes it to another level

it will take a few generations of panasonic to catch up