Pioneer Elite Pro 1130 plasma

I wanted to know if anyone also had this similar issue. I was interested in buying the plasma elite 1130. The sales person told me that if i installed the monitor more than 9feet away from the Media box than I must buy a longer cable- which is called the Digital connection cable. Only 3 meters come with this unit. This is the only way to hook up the monitor with the media center. In addtion, the sales person told me that (pioneer) does make a 10M which is $600. He further state that this cable is made for pioneer elite plasma and no one makes them. Need help anyone. thanks
My 25 foot extension cord(s) was $249 shipped to my door. Let me know if you need the business name and I can I can dig it out. I dropped a 2 inch pipe down my wall since the DVI connector is the widest part and needs at a minimum 1.25 inches of clearance. Basically the two cords represent a DVI cord and a proprietary cord for commands to the panel. Any way shoot me an email if you need some contact info. I'd wait on the DVD player. At least 4 months to see what transpires. Blueray will win out most likely and will be backwards compatible to current DVD's. Don't spend the money twice if your in the market for a player now.
Hi Erider,
thank you for your input. I guess i'll have spend another $600. I am mounting the plasma 20feet across the room. My components are in a rack system. I will run the cable form the monitor through the ceiling (1-1/2" tube raceway) dropping it into the closet on the opposite sede of the rectangular room. I hope the longer run will be just right.
By the way what do you think about the Pioneer Elite DVD 79Avi ($1000)player. I know pioneer is coming out with Blueray DVD ($1800) but I am not convinced yet. I am in the market for a DVD player that can do 720P well.
Yes, I have a PRO-1130 HD and the salesman is correct that the unit comes with a 3m cable to connect the receiver with the screen. This is a good thing because one can install the screen on a wall or wherever and have a single "umbilical" cord run from the receiver to the screen rather than countless cables (note: both the receiver and the screen have their individual power cords which are separate from the umbilical cord I mentioned). Pioneer makes two more cables: a 7m for $ 220 and a 10m for $600. Here is a link:,,2076_278256761_277940811_tab=C,00.html?compName=PNA_PlasmaProductDetailComponent

Maybe you can purchase these cables or their equivalent from an outside source but why risk it ?. This may only be worthwhile if you need a cable much longer than 10m. Remember too that a longer cable could possibly lead to picture degradation. You may also wish completely bypass the receiver and use the display by hooking it up directly to a source. If you decide go this route than you may want to consider purchasing one on Pioneer's less expensive commercial models.

Hope that helps